LGBTQAI+ Affirming Care

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Affirming Care for the LGBTQAI+ Community.

Navigating life is challenging enough as it is - for those in the LGBTQAI+ community, it can feel very isolating and traumatic. I am passionate about being a part of your support system, to empower you to meet your goals and find strength in your day-to-day life.

LGBTQAI+ Centered Services


Trauma Management

Trauma takes many forms in our lives, and I am here to validate your experiences and help you work through them. With the right balance of therapy and a proper medication plan, I am here to support and empower you.

Anxiety and Depression

It’s no surprise that many people in the LGBTQAI+ community experience anxiety and depression in unique ways. I am here to serve as part of your support system to navigate your feelings and help you thrive.

Coordinated Care.

The age-old saying: there’s power in numbers. When working with your health team (primary physicians, therapists, etc) we can accomplish much more together than apart. My role is to work together - with you in control - to create the best medication management plan for your life.


Affirming Care: Transgender Issues


Navigating Identity.

Diving into understanding your gender identity can bring up many uncomfortable feelings. It is common to feel deep depression and anxiety, detachment from one’s self, and isolation from others. We’ll work together to find the right balance of medication to help you on your path to wellness.


Goals for Gender Affirming Surgery.

Whether you’re in the process of preparing for your gender affirming surgery, or seeking a referral for your confirmation letter, I am ready to help you make a plan to ease into this transition as smoothly as possible.

Hormone Medicine Management.

I believe wholly in coordinated care: working with your therapist and other prescribing providers, I am here as part of your support system to find the best medication for your mental health needs and goals.


Life After Surgery.

If you’re feeling anxious or depressed after your gender affirming surgery, understand this is common. Many people experience unexpected grief, and are unsure how to cope with this feeling. My role is to help you find peace with all the changes you’ve experienced - and will continue to experience - after gender affirming surgery.