Health at Every Size


Body Positive Healthcare.

Medical communities have historically been cruel when it comes to weight and body size, so it is no wonder that many people are consistently exhausted when gauging their health in comparison to their body type. With compassionate and affirming care, we can work to break the stigma and create a plan for you to feel your best at every size.

Common Topics


Concerns about Side Effects.

Many people are weary to start a new medication, in fear they may gain or lose weight. It is true that some medications do have these effects, but we will work together to evaluate your health goals, and determine how to best judge exactly how you feel within your body.

Body Positivity.

As a society, younger generations are beginning to unlearn stereotypes and stigmas regarding what healthy “looks like”. By setting appropriate goals, I will always affirm and encourage you to learn to love your body exactly as it is, and worth towards inner health.